
Estate Planning & Estate Administration


Wills Help to Provide for Your Family

A will is a document that outlines what happens to your property after you die.  Essentially, it is the instructions you want your family and loved ones to follow after you're gone.

Without a will, state statutes - known as intestacy laws - determine how your property will be distributed after you die.  Having a will allows you to control your estate.

So, who needs a will?  The answer is, anyone who is over 18 years old. 

A will not only helps to provide for your loved ones by dictating how your property will be distributed, a will can also be used to designate who will care for your minor children or your pets after you die.  

Healthcare Power of Attorneys & Durable Powers of Attorneys

Other common documents that are considered and prepared along with a will are healthcare power of attorneys and durable powers of attorneys.  These documents authorize an individual to act on your behalf to either make medical and healthcare decisions or financial decisions should you become incapacitated during your life.  Having these documents in place help your loved ones in making decisions based on your instructions should something happen to you, whether temporarily or at end of life.

An experienced estates attorney can make sure you have a plan in place to provide for your family and loved ones on your own terms.  Call our office today to schedule a consultation. 

Estate Administration

Estate Administration, also known as probate, is the process of administering a will to allow property to pass to heirs. This process requires filing with the county clerk’s office. If you have recently lost a loved one, and need their will and estate administered, contact our office to help you navigate this process.